ERRMSG: “Fail to access the cluster static config file.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cluster static config file is not generated or is manually deleted.”
ACTION: “Please check the cluster static config file.”
ERRMSG: “Fail to open the cluster static file.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cluster static config file is not generated or is manually deleted.”
ACTION: “Please check the cluster static config file.”
ERRMSG: “Fail to read the cluster static file.”
CMSTATE: c3001
CAUSE: “The cluster static file permission is insufficient.”
ACTION: “Please check the cluster static config file.”
ERRMSG: “Failed to read the static config file.”
CMSTATE: c1000
CAUSE: “out of memeory.”
ACTION: “Please check the system memory and try again.”
ERRMSG: “Could not find the current node in the cluster by the node id %u.”
CMSTATE: c3002
CAUSE: “The static config file probably contained content error.”
ACTION: “Please check static config file.”
ERRMSG: “Failed to open the logic config file.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The logic config file is not generated or is manually deleted.”
ACTION: “Please check the cluster static config file.”
ERRMSG: “Fail to read the logic static config file.”
CMSTATE: c3001
CAUSE: “The logic static config file permission is insufficient.”
ACTION: “Please check the logic static config file.”
ERRMSG: “Failed to open or read the static config file.”
CMSTATE: c1000
CAUSE: “out of memeory.”
ACTION: “Please check the system memory and try again.”
ERRMSG: “Failed to open the log file '%s'.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “Log file not found.”
ACTION: “Please check the log file.”
ERRMSG: “Failed to open the log file '%s'.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The log file permission is insufficient.”
ACTION: “please check the log file.”
ERRMSG: “Failed to open the dynamic config file '%s'.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The dynamic config file permission is insufficient.”
ACTION: “Please check the dynamic config file.”
ERRMSG: “Failed to malloc memory, size = %lu.”
CMSTATE: c1000
CAUSE: “out of memeory.”
ACTION: “Please check the system memory and try again.”
ERRMSG: “unrecognized AZ name '%s'.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The parameter(%s) entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the parameter entered by the user and try again.”
ERRMSG: “unrecognized minorityAz name '%s'.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The parameter(%s) entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the parameter entered by the user and try again.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The environment variable('GAUSSHOME') is incorrectly configured.”
ACTION: “Please check the environment variable('GAUSSHOME').”
ERRMSG: “Get current user name failed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
ACTION: “Please check the environment.”
ERRMSG: “-B option must be specified.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-T option must be specified.\n”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “can't stop one node or instance with -m normal.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “can't stop one node or instance with -m resume.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “can't stop one availability zone with -m resume.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “log level or cm server arbitration mode must be specified.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “log level or cm server arbitration mode need not be specified.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-R is needed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-D is needed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-n and -R are needed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-n and -D are needed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “no operation specified.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “no cm directory specified.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “Please check the usage of switchover.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-n and -z cannot be specified at the same time.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-m cannot be specified at the same time with -n or -z.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-n node(%d) is invalid.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-n node is needed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “%s: -C is needed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-z value must be 'ALL' when query mppdb cluster.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-v is needed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-C is needed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-Cv is needed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-L value must be 'ALL' when query logic cluster.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “unrecognized LC name '%s'.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-n is needed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “There is no '%s' information in cluster.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-D path is too long.\n”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-D path is invalid.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-n node(%s) is invalid.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-R only support when the cluster is single-inst.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-t time is invalid.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “-votenum is invalid.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “unrecognized build mode.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “unrecognized build mode '%s'.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “too many command-line arguments (first is '%s').”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “unrecognized operation mode '%s'.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “no cm directory specified.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “Failed to malloc memory.”
CMSTATE: c1000
CAUSE: “out of memeory.”
ACTION: “Please check the system memory and try again.”
ERRMSG: “Failed to open etcd: %s.”
CMSTATE: c4000
CAUSE: “Etcd is abnoraml.”
ACTION: “Please check the Cluster Status and try again.”
ERRMSG: “[PATCH-ERROR] hotpatch command or path set error.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “no standby datanode in single node cluster.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “restart logic cluster failed.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “restart logic cluster failed”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”
ERRMSG: “The option parameter is not specified.”
CMSTATE: c3000
CAUSE: “The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect.”
ACTION: “Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s).”