gs_dbmind component anomaly_detection --help
usage: anomaly_analysis.py [-h] -c CONF -m METRIC -s START_TIME -e END_TIME -H
HOST [--csv-dump-path CSV_DUMP_PATH]
Workload Anomaly analysis: Anomaly analysis of monitored metric.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONF, --conf CONF set the directory of configuration files
-m METRIC, --metric METRIC
set the metric name you want to retrieve
-s START_TIME, --start-time START_TIME
set the start time of for retrieving in ms, supporting
UNIX-timestamp with microsecond or datetime format
-e END_TIME, --end-time END_TIME
set the end time of for retrieving in ms, supporting
UNIX-timestamp with microsecond or datetime format
-H HOST, --host HOST set a host of the metric, ip only or ip and port.
--csv-dump-path CSV_DUMP_PATH
dump the result csv file to the dump path if it is