

When the openGauss is deployed in shared storage mode and the ss_enable_dss function is enabled, you need to query, operate, and manage the cluster file system based on disk arrays. To effectively manage the file system created by DSS, the shared storage provides the dsscmd management tool.


  • Display help information.

  • Create a volume group.

    dsscmd cv <-g vg_name> <-v vol_name> [-s au_size] [-D DSS_HOME]

    vg_name indicates the volume group name. The name can contain a maximum of 64 characters, including digits, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-). Other characters are not supported.

  • Display information about volume groups (VGs) and disk usage.

    dsscmd lsvg [-m measure_type] [-t show_type] [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Add volumes to a volume group.

    dsscmd adv <-g vg_name> <-v vol_name> [-U UDS:socket_domain]

    In the preceding command, vg_name indicates the VG name and does not need to start with a plus sign (+).

  • Create a directory.

    dsscmd mkdir <-p path> <-d dir_name> [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Create a file.

    dsscmd touch <-n name> [-U UDS:socket_domain]

    The file (not a directory) name can contain a maximum of 64 characters. Only digits, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-) are supported. Other characters are not supported.

  • Display information about files in the path.

    dsscmd ls <-p path> [-m measure_type] [-w min_inited_size] [-U UDS:socket_domain]

    Valid value range of parameter -w is {0, 1}, 0: not show min_inited_size, 1: show min_inited_size.

  • Copy information from the source file to the target file.

    dsscmd cp <-s src_file> <-d dest_file> [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Delete VG files.

    dsscmd rm <-n name> [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Delete a volume from a VG.

    dsscmd rmv <-g vg_name> <-v vol_name> [-U UDS:socket_domain]

    In the preceding command, vg_name indicates the VG name and does not need to start with a plus sign (+).

  • Delete a directory and its contents.

    dsscmd rmdir <-p path> [-r] [-U UDS:socket_domain path]
  • Display LUN registration information.

    dsscmd inq  <-t inq_type>
  • Display the client information.

    dsscmd lscli
  • Add the current node to the cluster using the server.

    dsscmd regh [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Remove the current node from the cluster.

    dsscmd unregh [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Remove a non-current node from the cluster. The first parameter is the ID of the node to be removed.

    dsscmd kickh <-i inst_id> [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Add a node to the cluster without using the server.

    dsscmd reghl <-i inst_id> [-D DSS_HOME]
  • Remove a node from the cluster without using the server.

    dsscmd unreghl <-i inst_id> [-D DSS_HOME]
  • Register the node to the volname without using the server.

    dsscmd reg <-i inst_id> <-v vol_name>
  • Deregister a node from the volname without using the server.

    dsscmd unreg <-i inst_id> <-v vol_name>
  • Clear all node information retained on the volume.

    dsscmd clrreg <-i inst_id> <-v vol_name>
  • Preempt persistent reservation and delete registration information.

    dsscmd kick <-i inst_id> <-k kicked_inst_id> <-v vol_name>
  • Set the auid of the DSS node.

    dsscmd auid <-a auid>
  • Preempt persistent reservation and delete registration information without interacting with the server.

    dsscmd kickhl <-i inst_id> <-k kicked_inst_id> [-D DSS_HOME]
  • Read the DSS file.

    dsscmd examine <-n name> <-o offset> <-f format> [-s read_size] [-D DSS_HOME] [-U UDS:socket_domain]

    format indicates the format of the file content to be read. The value can be c char, h unsigned short, u unsigned int, l unsigned long, s string or x hex.

  • Reads the disk array file.

    dsscmd dev <-p path> <-o offset> <-f format> [-D DSS_HOME]

    format indicates the format of the file content to be read. The value can be c char, h unsigned short, u unsigned int, l unsigned long, s string or x hex.

  • Display disk information.

    dsscmd showdisk <-g vg_name> <-s struct_name> [-D DSS_HOME]
    dsscmd showdisk <-g vg_name> <-b block_id> <-n node_id> [-D DSS_HOME]

    NOTE: If -b block_id is specified, -n node_id must also be specified.

  • Rename a file.

    dsscmd rename <-o old_name> <-n new_name> [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Display the disk usage of files or directories with optional parameters.

    dsscmd du <-p path> [-f format] [-U UDS:socket_domain]

    NOTE: format: Three types of parameters are supported. No separator is required between parameters.

    • B|K|M|G|T B: Byte. K: KB. M: MB. G: GB. T: TB.
    • s|a s: directory. a: all files are calculated, not just directories.
    • S For a directory, the size of the subdirectory is not included.
  • Search for the path of a file by file name.

    dsscmd find <-p path> <-n name> [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Create a symbolic link.

    dsscmd ln <-s src_path> <-t target_path> [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Display file link information.

    dsscmd readlink <-p path> [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Cancel the symbolic link.

    dsscmd unlink <-p path> [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Perform encryption.

    dsscmd encrypt
  • Set configuration items.

    dsscmd setcfg <-n name> <-v value> [-s scope] [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Obtain configuration items.

    dsscmd getcfg <-n name> [-U UDS:socket_domain]
  • Stop the dssserver process.

    dsscmd stopdss [-U UDS:socket_domain]

Parameter Description

  • show_type

    d displays the detailed information, and t displays the information in the table.

  • au_size

    Size of the au, in KB. The value ranges from 2 MB to 64 MB.

  • vg_name

    Volume group name.

  • measure_type

    Unit of the displayed file size. Example: byte, KB, MB, GB, or TB.

    The default unit is byte.

  • dir_name

    Directory name. The name can contain a maximum of 64 characters, including digits, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-). Other characters are not supported.

  • dest_file

    Name of the target file. The name can contain a maximum of 64 characters (not a directory name). Only digits, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-) are supported. Other characters are not supported.

  • vol_name

    Volume name.

  • -D

    Path of $DSS_HOME.

  • -U UDS:socket_domain

    Path of the socket file used by the DSS instance process.

  • inst_id |kicked_inst_id

    ID of a DSS instance in the cluster.

  • addr

    Start address of the lock on the volume.

  • -r

    Cascading deletion.

  • inq_type

    Information type. The values are as follows:

    • lun: queries LUN information.
    • reg: queries reservation information.
  • read_size

    Length of data to be read.

  • struct_name

    File type of the output information.

    Value range: core_ctrl, vg_header, volume_ctrl, and root_ft_block.

  • new_name

    Name of the renamed file.

    The file (not a directory) name can contain a maximum of 64 characters. Only digits, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-) are supported. Other characters are not supported.

  • target_path

    Target file.

    The file (not a directory) name can contain a maximum of 64 characters. Only digits, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-) are supported. Other characters are not supported.

  • name:

    Name of a configuration item.

  • value

    Value of a configuration item.

  • scope

    Scope in which a configuration item takes effect.

    The value can be memory, pfile, or both.

    • memory: indicates that the modification is performed in the memory and takes effect immediately.
    • pfile: indicates that the modification is performed in the pfile. The modification takes effect only after the database is restarted.
    • both: indicates that the modification is performed in both the memory and the pfile.


  • Create VGs data and log. The au sizes of the VGs are 2048 and 65536 respectively. -D specifies dss_home.

    dsscmd cv -g data -v /dev/tpcc_data -s 2048 -D /home/ss_test/dss_home
    dsscmd cv -g log -v /dev/tpcc_log -s 65536 -D /home/ss_test/dss_home
  • Create the pg_xlog0 folder and specify the socket file of the DSS process in the UDS.

    dsscmd mkdir -p +log -d pg_xlog0 -U UDS:/home/ss_test/dss_home/.dss_unix_d_socket
  • Copy files in data to log.

    dsscmd cp -s +data/pg_xlog0/000000010000000000000001 -d +log/pg_xlog0/000000010000000000000001 -U UDS:/home/ss_test/dss_home/.dss_unix_d_socket
  • Delete files from the data directory.

    dsscmd rm -n +data/pg_xlog0/000000010000000000000001 -U UDS:/home/ss_test/dss_home/.dss_unix_d_socket
  • Delete the pg_xlog0/archive_status folder from data. (The folder is empty. If files in the folder need to be deleted in cascading mode, add -r.)

    dsscmd rmdir -p +data/pg_xlog0/archive_status -U UDS:/home/ss_test/dss_home/.dss_unix_d_socket
  • Create a symbolic link.

    dsscmd ln -s +log/pg_xlog0 -t +data/pg_xlog0 -U UDS:/home/ss_test/dss_home/.dss_unix_d_socket
  • View information about files in the pg_xlog0 folder in the data directory.

    dsscmd ls -p +data/pg_xlog0 -U UDS:/home/ss_test/dss_home/.dss_unix_d_socket
编组 3备份
    openGauss 2025-03-11 23:23:36