System Operation
openGauss text runs SQL statements to perform different system operations, such as setting variables, displaying the execution plan, and collecting garbage data.
Setting Variables
For details about how to set various parameters for a session or transaction, see SET.
Displaying the Execution Plan
For details about how to display the execution plan that openGauss makes for SQL statements, see EXPLAIN.
Specifying a Checkpoint in Transaction Logs
By default, WALs periodically specify checkpoints in a transaction log. CHECKPOINT forces an immediate checkpoint when the related command is issued, without waiting for a regular checkpoint scheduled by the system. For details, see CHECKPOINT.
Collecting Unnecessary Data
For details about how to collect garbage data and analyze a database as required, see VACUUM.
Collecting Statistics
For details about how to collect statistics on tables in databases, see ANALYZE | ANALYSE.
Setting the Constraint Check Mode for the Current Transaction
For details about how to set the constraint check mode for the current transaction, see SET CONSTRAINTS.
Shutting Down The Current Database Node
For details about shutting down the current database node, see SHUTDOWN.