Internal Functions
The following functions of openGauss use internal data types, which cannot be directly called by users.
Selection rate calculation functions
areajoinsel | areasel | arraycontjoinsel | arraycontsel | contjoinsel | contsel | eqjoinsel |
eqsel | iclikejoinsel | iclikesel | icnlikejoinsel | icnlikesel | icregexeqjoinsel | icregexeqsel |
icregexnejoinsel | icregexnesel | likejoinsel | likesel | neqjoinsel | neqsel | nlikejoinsel |
nlikesel | positionjoinsel | positionsel | regexeqjoinsel | regexeqsel | regexnejoinsel | regexnesel |
scalargtjoinsel | scalargtsel | scalarltjoinsel | scalarltsel | tsmatchjoinsel | tsmatchsel | - |
Statistics collection functions
array_typanalyze | range_typanalyze | ts_typanalyze |
local_rto_stat | - | - |
Internal functions for sorting
bpchar_sortsupport | bytea_sortsupport | date_sortsupport | numeric_sortsupport | timestamp_sortsupport |
Internal functions for full-text retrieval
dispell_init | dispell_lexize | dsimple_init | dsimple_lexize | dsnowball_init | dsnowball_lexize | dsynonym_init |
dsynonym_lexize | gtsquery_compress | gtsquery_consistent | gtsquery_decompress | gtsquery_penalty | gtsquery_picksplit | gtsquery_same |
gtsquery_union | ngram_end | ngram_lextype | ngram_start | pound_end | pound_lextype | pound_start |
prsd_end | prsd_headline | prsd_lextype | prsd_start | thesaurus_init | thesaurus_lexize | zhprs_end |
zhprs_getlexeme | zhprs_lextype | zhprs_start | - | - | - | - |
Internal type processing functions
abstimerecv | euc_jis_2004_to_utf8 | int2recv | line_recv | oidvectorrecv_extend | tidrecv | utf8_to_koi8u |
anyarray_recv | euc_jp_to_mic | int2vectorrecv | lseg_recv | path_recv | time_recv | utf8_to_shift_jis_2004 |
array_recv | euc_jp_to_sjis | int4recv | macaddr_recv | pg_node_tree_recv | time_transform | utf8_to_sjis |
ascii_to_mic | euc_jp_to_utf8 | int8recv | mic_to_ascii | point_recv | timestamp_recv | utf8_to_uhc |
ascii_to_utf8 | euc_kr_to_mic | internal_out | mic_to_big5 | poly_recv | timestamp_transform | utf8_to_win |
big5_to_euc_tw | euc_kr_to_utf8 | interval_recv | mic_to_euc_cn | pound_nexttoken | timestamptz_recv | uuid_recv |
big5_to_mic | euc_tw_to_big5 | interval_transform | mic_to_euc_jp | prsd_nexttoken | timetz_recv | varbit_recv |
big5_to_utf8 | euc_tw_to_mic | iso_to_koi8r | mic_to_euc_kr | range_recv | tintervalrecv | varbit_transform |
bit_recv | euc_tw_to_utf8 | iso_to_mic | mic_to_euc_tw | rawrecv | tsqueryrecv | varchar_transform |
boolrecv | float4recv | iso_to_win1251 | mic_to_iso | record_recv | tsvectorrecv | varcharrecv |
box_recv | float8recv | iso_to_win866 | mic_to_koi8r | regclassrecv | txid_snapshot_recv | void_recv |
bpcharrecv | gb18030_to_utf8 | iso8859_1_to_utf8 | mic_to_latin1 | regconfigrecv | uhc_to_utf8 | win_to_utf8 |
btoidsortsupport | gbk_to_utf8 | iso8859_to_utf8 | mic_to_latin2 | regdictionaryrecv | unknownrecv | win1250_to_latin2 |
bytearecv | gin_extract_tsvector | johab_to_utf8 | mic_to_latin3 | regoperatorrecv | utf8_to_ascii | win1250_to_mic |
byteawithoutorderwithequalcolrecv | gtsvector_compress | json_recv | mic_to_latin4 | regoperrecv | utf8_to_big5 | win1251_to_iso |
cash_recv | gtsvector_consistent | koi8r_to_iso | mic_to_sjis | regprocedurerecv | utf8_to_euc_cn | win1251_to_koi8r |
charrecv | gtsvector_decompress | koi8r_to_mic | mic_to_win1250 | regprocrecv | utf8_to_euc_jis_2004 | win1251_to_mic |
cidr_recv | gtsvector_penalty | koi8r_to_utf8 | mic_to_win1251 | regtyperecv | utf8_to_euc_jp | win1251_to_win866 |
cidrecv | gtsvector_picksplit | koi8r_to_win1251 | mic_to_win866 | reltimerecv | utf8_to_euc_kr | win866_to_iso |
circle_recv | gtsvector_same | koi8r_to_win866 | namerecv | shift_jis_2004_to_euc_jis_2004 | utf8_to_euc_tw | win866_to_koi8r |
cstring_recv | gtsvector_union | koi8u_to_utf8 | ngram_nexttoken | shift_jis_2004_to_utf8 | utf8_to_gb18030 | win866_to_mic |
date_recv | hll_recv | latin1_to_mic | numeric_recv | sjis_to_euc_jp | utf8_to_gbk | win866_to_win1251 |
domain_recv | hll_trans_recv | latin2_to_mic | numeric_transform | sjis_to_mic | utf8_to_iso8859 | xidrecv |
euc_cn_to_mic | hstore_recv | latin2_to_win1250 | nvarchar2recv | sjis_to_utf8 | utf8_to_iso8859_1 | xidrecv4 |
euc_cn_to_utf8 | inet_recv | latin3_to_mic | oidrecv | smalldatetime_recv | utf8_to_johab | xml_recv |
euc_jis_2004_to_shift_jis_2004 | int1recv | latin4_to_mic | oidvectorrecv | textrecv | utf8_to_koi8r | cstore_tid_out |
i16toi1 | int16 | int16_bool | int16eq | int16div | int16ge | int16gt |
int16in | int16le | int16lt | int16mi | int16mul | int16ne | int16out |
int16pl | int16recv | int16send | numeric_bool | int2vectorin_extend | int2vectorout_extend | int2vectorrecv_extend |
int2vectorsend_extend | jsonb_in | jsonb_out | jsonb_recv | jsonb_send | complex_array_in | bool_int1 |
bool_int2 | bool_int8 | bpchar_float4 | bpchar_float8 | bpchar_int4 | bpchar_int8 | bpchar_numeric |
bpchar_timestamp | f4toi1 | f8toi1 | float4_bpchar | float4_text | float4_varchar | float8_bpchar |
float8_text | float8_varchar | i1tof4 | i1tof8 | i1toi2 | i1toi4 | i1toi8 |
i2toi1 | i4toi1 | i8toi1 | int1_avg_accum | int1_bool | int1_bpchar | int1_numeric |
int1_nvarchar2 | int1_text | int1_varchar | int1abs | int1and | int1cmp | int1div |
int1eq | int1ge | int1gt | int1in | int1inc | int1larger | int1le |
int1lt | int1mi | int1mod | int1mul | int1ne | int1not | int1or |
int1out | int1pl | int1shl | int1shr | int1smaller | int1um | int1up |
int1xor | int2_bool | int2_bpchar | int2_text | int2_varchar | int4_bpchar | int4_text |
int4_varchar | int8_bool | int8_bpchar | int8_text | int8_varchar | job_submit | numeric_bpchar |
numeric_int1 | numeric_text | numeric_varchar | nvarchar2in | nvarchar2out | nvarchar2send | oidvectorin_extend |
oidvectorout_extend | oidvectorsend_extend | rawcmp | raweq | rawge | rawgt | rawin |
rawle | rawlike | rawlt | rawne | rawnlike | rawout | rawsend |
text_float4 | text_float8 | text_int1 | text_int2 | text_int4 | text_int8 | text_numeric |
timestamp_text | timestamp_varchar | varchar_float4 | varchar_float8 | varchar_int4 | varchar_int8 | varchar_numeric |
xidout4 | xidsend4 | calculate_quantile_of | calculate_value_at | large_seq_rollback_ntree | large_seq_upgrade_ntree | - |
Internal functions for aggregation operations
array_agg_finalfn | array_agg_transfn | bytea_string_agg_finalfn | bytea_string_agg_transfn | date_list_agg_noarg2_transfn | date_list_agg_transfn | float4_list_agg_noarg2_transfn |
float4_list_agg_transfn | float8_list_agg_noarg2_transfn | float8_list_agg_transfn | int2_list_agg_noarg2_transfn | int2_list_agg_transfn | int4_list_agg_noarg2_transfn | int4_list_agg_transfn |
int8_list_agg_noarg2_transfn | int8_list_agg_transfn | interval_list_agg_noarg2_transfn | interval_list_agg_transfn | list_agg_finalfn | list_agg_noarg2_transfn | list_agg_transfn |
median_float8_finalfn | median_interval_finalfn | median_transfn | mode_final | numeric_list_agg_noarg2_transfn | numeric_list_agg_transfn | ordered_set_transition |
percentile_cont_float8_final | percentile_cont_interval_final | string_agg_finalfn | string_agg_transfn | timestamp_list_agg_noarg2_transfn | timestamp_list_agg_transfn | timestamptz_list_agg_noarg2_transfn |
timestamptz_list_agg_transfn | checksumtext_agg_transfn | - | - | - | - | - |
json_agg_finalfn | json_agg_transfn | json_object_agg_finalfn | json_object_agg_transfn | - | - | - |
Hash internal functions
hashbeginscan | hashbuild | hashbuildempty | hashbulkdelete | hashcostestimate | hashendscan | hashgetbitmap |
hashgettuple | hashinsert | hashmarkpos | hashmerge | hashrescan | hashrestrpos | hashvacuumcleanup |
hashvarlena | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Internal functions of the B-tree index
cbtreebuild | cbtreecanreturn | cbtreecostestimate | cbtreegetbitmap | cbtreegettuple | btbeginscan | btbuild |
btbuildempty | btbulkdelete | btcanreturn | btcostestimate | btendscan | btfloat4sortsupport | btfloat8sortsupport |
btgetbitmap | btgettuple | btinsert | btint2sortsupport | btint4sortsupport | btint8sortsupport | btmarkpos |
btmerge | btnamesortsupport | btrescan | btrestrpos | bttextsortsupport | btvacuumcleanup | cbtreeoptions |
Internal functions of the GiST index
gist_box_compress | gist_box_consistent | gist_box_decompress | gist_box_penalty | gist_box_picksplit | gist_box_same | gist_box_union |
gist_circle_compress | gist_circle_consistent | gist_point_compress | gist_point_consistent | gist_point_distance | gist_poly_compress | gist_poly_consistent |
gistbeginscan | gistbuild | gistbuildempty | gistbulkdelete | gistcostestimate | gistendscan | gistgetbitmap |
gistinsert | gistmarkpos | gistmerge | gistrescan | gistrestrpos | gistvacuumcleanup | range_gist_compress |
range_gist_decompress | range_gist_penalty | range_gist_picksplit | range_gist_same | range_gist_union | spg_kd_choose | spg_kd_config |
spg_kd_picksplit | spg_quad_choose | spg_quad_config | spg_quad_inner_consistent | spg_quad_leaf_consistent | spg_quad_picksplit | spg_text_choose |
spg_text_inner_consistent | spg_text_leaf_consistent | spg_text_picksplit | spgbeginscan | spgbuild | spgbuildempty | spgbulkdelete |
spgcostestimate | spgendscan | spggetbitmap | spggettuple | spginsert | spgmarkpos | spgmerge |
spgrestrpos | spgvacuumcleanup | - | - | - | - | - |
Internal functions of the GIN index
gin_cmp_prefix | gin_extract_tsquery | gin_tsquery_consistent | gin_tsquery_triconsistent | ginarrayconsistent | ginarrayextract | ginarraytriconsistent |
ginbeginscan | ginbuild | ginbuildempty | ginbulkdelete | gincostestimate | ginendscan | gingetbitmap |
gininsert | ginmarkpos | ginmerge | ginqueryarrayextract | ginrescan | ginrestrpos | ginvacuumcleanup |
cginbuild | cgingetbitmap | - | - | - | - | - |
gin_compare_jsonb | gin_consistent_jsonb | gin_consistent_jsonb_hash | gin_extract_jsonb gin_extract_jsonb_hash | cginbuild | gin_extract_jsonb_query | gin_triconsistent_jsonb |
Internal functions of the Psort index
psortbuild | psortcanreturn | psortcostestimate | psortgetbitmap | psortgettuple |
Internal functions of the UBTree index
ubtbeginscan | ubtbuild | ubtbuildempty | ubtbulkdelete | ubtcanreturn |
ubtcostestimate | ubtendscan | ubtgetbitmap | ubtgettuple | ubtinsert |
ubtmarkpos | ubtmerge | ubtoptions | ubtrescan | ubtrestrpos |
ubtvacuumcleanup | - | - | - | - |
plpgsql internal function
Set-related internal functions
array_indexby_delete | array_indexby_length | array_integer_deleteidx | array_integer_exists | array_integer_first | array_integer_last |
array_integer_next | array_integer_prior | array_varchar_deleteidx | array_varchar_exists | array_varchar_first | array_varchar_last |
array_varchar_next | array_varchar_prior | - | - | - | - |
External table-related internal functions
dist_fdw_handler | roach_handler | streaming_fdw_handler | dist_fdw_validator | file_fdw_handler | file_fdw_validator | log_fdw_handler |
Auxiliary function for the primary database node to remotely read the data page from the standby database node.
gs_read_block_from_remote is used to read the pages of a non-segment-page table file. By default, only the initial user can view the data. Other users can use the data only after being granted with permissions.
pg_read_binary_file_blocks is used to read data. Non-compressed tables return actual data, and compressed tables return compressed data. By default, only the initial user can view the data. Other users can use the data only after being granted with permissions.
gs_read_segment_block_from_remote is used to read the pages of a segment-page table file. By default, only the initial user can view the data. Other users can use the data only after being granted with permissions.
Auxiliary function for the primary database node to remotely read the data file from the standby database node.
The gs_read_file_from_remote command is used to read a specified file. After obtaining the file size using the gs_read_file_size_from_remote function, gs_repair_file reads the remote file segment by segment using this function. By default, only the initial user can view the data. Other users can use the data only after being granted with permissions.
The gs_read_file_size_from_remote command is used to read the size of a specified file. This command is used to read the size of a specified file. Before using the gs_repair_file function to repair a file, you need to obtain the size of the file from the remote end to verify the missing file information and repair the missing files one by one. By default, only the initial user can view the data. Other users can use the data only after being granted with permissions.
Ledger database functions
AI feature functions
create_snapshot | create_snapshot_internal | prepare_snapshot_internal | prepare_snapshot | manage_snapshot_internal | archive_snapshot | publish_snapshot |
purge_snapshot_internal | purge_snapshot | sample_snapshot | - | - | - | - |
isubmit_on_nodes | submit_on_nodes | - | - | - | - | - |
Other functions
to_tsvector_for_batch | value_of_percentile | disable_conn | bind_variable | job_update | job_cancel | job_finish |
similar_escape | table_skewness (unavailable) | timetz_text | time_text | reltime_text | abstime_text | *pg*keysequal |
analyze_query (unavailable) | analyze_workload (unavailable) | ssign_table_type | gs_comm_proxy_thread_status | gs_txid_oldestxmin | pg_cancel_session | pg_stat_segment_space_info |
remote_segment_space_info | set_cost_params | set_weight_params | start_collect_workload | tdigest_in | tdigest_merge | tdigest_merge_to_one |
tdigest_mergep | tdigest_out | pg_get_delta_info | disable_conn | - | - | - |
openGauss 2024-12-12 00:55:08