GS_SLOW_QUERY_INFO displays the slow query information that has been dumped on the current node. The data is dumped from the kernel to the system catalog. If enable_resource_record is set to on, the system imports the query information from the kernel to GS_WLM_SESSION_QUERY_INFO_ALL every 3 minutes. This operation occupies storage space and affects performance. You can check GS_SLOW_QUERY_INFO to view the slow query information that has been dumped. This view has been discarded in this version.
Table 1 GS_SLOW_QUERY_INFO columns
Name | Type | Description |
dbname | text | Database name |
schemaname | text | Schema name |
nodename | text | Node name |
username | text | Username |
queryid | bigint | Normalization ID |
query | text | Query statement |
start_time | timestamp with time zone | Execution start time |
finish_time | timestamp with time zone | Execution end time |
duration | bigint | Execution duration (unit: ms) |
query_plan | text | Plan information |
n_returned_rows | bigint | Number of rows in the result set returned by the SELECT statement |
n_tuples_fetched | bigint | Number of rows randomly scanned |
n_tuples_returned | bigint | Number of rows sequentially scanned |
n_tuples_inserted | bigint | Number of rows inserted |
n_tuples_updated | bigint | Number of rows updated |
n_tuples_deleted | bigint | Number of rows deleted |
n_blocks_fetched | bigint | Number of cache loading times |
n_blocks_hit | bigint | Cache hits |
db_time | bigint | Valid DB time, which is accumulated if multiple threads are involved (unit: μs) |
cpu_time | bigint | CPU time (unit: μs) |
execution_time | bigint | Execution time in the executor (unit: μs) |
parse_time | bigint | SQL parsing time (unit: μs) |
plan_time | bigint | SQL plan generation time (unit: μs) |
rewrite_time | bigint | SQL rewriting time (unit: μs) |
pl_execution_time | bigint | Execution time of PL/pgSQL (unit: μs) |
pl_compilation_time | bigint | Compilation time of PL/pgSQL (unit: μs) |
net_send_time | bigint | Network time (unit: μs) |
data_io_time | bigint | I/O time (unit: μs) |
openGauss 2025-02-15 23:22:43