Event Trigger Functions
Description: Reports running DDL commands in the ddl_command_end event trigger.
Parameter: null
NOTE: This function is used only in event triggers.
Return type: oid,oid,int4,text,text,text,text,bool,pg_ddl_command.
openGauss=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddl_command_test() RETURNS event_trigger AS $$ DECLARE obj record; BEGIN FOR obj IN SELECT * FROM pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands() LOOP RAISE NOTICE 'command: %', obj.command_tag; RAISE NOTICE 'triggered'; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Description: Makes the list of deleted objects visible to users in the sql_drop event trigger.
Parameter: null
NOTE: This function is used only in event triggers.
Return types: oid,oid,int4,bool,bool,booloid,text,text,text,text,TEXTARRAY,TEXTARRAY
openGauss=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_evtrig_dropped_objects() RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE obj record; BEGIN FOR obj IN SELECT * FROM pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() LOOP IF obj.object_type = 'table' THEN EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS audit_tbls.%I', format('%s_%s', obj.schema_name, obj.object_name)); END IF; INSERT INTO dropped_objects (type, schema, object) VALUES (obj.object_type, obj.schema_name, obj.object_identity); END LOOP; END $$;
Description: Makes the overwritten object OIDs visible to users in the table_rewrite event trigger.
Parameter: null
NOTE: This function is used only in event triggers.
Return type: oid
openGauss=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_evtrig_no_rewrite() RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'Table ''%'' is being rewritten (reason = %)', pg_event_trigger_table_rewrite_oid()::regclass, pg_event_trigger_table_rewrite_reason(); END; $$;
Description: Makes reasons for rewriting objects visible to users in the table_rewrite event trigger.
Parameter: null
NOTE: This function is used only in event triggers.
Return type: int4
openGauss=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_evtrig_no_rewrite() RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'Table ''%'' is being rewritten (reason = %)', pg_event_trigger_table_rewrite_oid()::regclass, pg_event_trigger_table_rewrite_reason(); END; $$;