Dynamic Data Masking Functions

NOTE: This function is an internal function. For details, see “Database Security > Dynamic Data Anonymization” in Feature Description.

  • creditcardmasking(col text, letter char default 'x')

    Description: Replaces the digits before the last four bits following the col string with letters.

    Parameter: Character string to be replaced or character string used for replacement

    Return type: text

  • basicmailmasking(col text, letter char default 'x')

    Description: Replaces the characters before the first at sign (@) in the col string with letters.

    Parameter: Character string to be replaced or character string used for replacement

    Return type: text

  • fullmailmasking(col text, letter char default 'x')

    Description: Replaces the characters (except @) before the last period (.) in the col string with letters.

    Parameter: Character string to be replaced or character string used for replacement

    Return type: text

  • alldigitsmasking(col text, letter char default '0')

    Description: Replaces the digits in the col string with letters.

    Parameter: Character string to be replaced or character string used for replacement

    Return type: text

  • shufflemasking(col text)

    Description: Sorts the characters in the col string out of order.

    Parameter: Character string to be replaced or character string used for replacement

    Return type: text

  • randommasking(col text)

    Description: Randomizes the characters in the col string.

    Parameter: Character string to be replaced or character string used for replacement

    Return type: text

  • regexpmasking

    Description: Specifies the internal function of the masking policy, which is used to replace characters using a regular expression.

    Parameter: col text, reg text, replace_text text, pos INTEGER default 0, reg_len INTEGER default -1

    Return type: text

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    openGauss 2025-03-11 23:23:36