Data Types Supported by Column-store Tables
Table 1 lists the data types supported by column-store tables.
Table 1 Data types supported by column-store tables
Category | Data Type | Length | Supported or Not |
Numeric Types | smallint | 2 | Supported |
integer | 4 | Supported |
bigint | 8 | Supported |
decimal | -1 | Supported |
numeric | -1 | Supported |
real | 4 | Supported |
double precision | 8 | Supported |
smallserial | 2 | Supported |
serial | 4 | Supported |
bigserial | 8 | Supported |
largeserial | -1 | Supported |
Monetary Types | money | 8 | Supported |
Character Types | character varying(n), varchar(n) | -1 | Supported |
character(n), char(n) | n | Supported |
character, char | 1 | Supported |
text | -1 | Supported |
nvarchar | -1 | Supported |
nvarchar2 | -1 | Supported |
name | 64 | Not supported |
Date/Time Types | timestamp with time zone | 8 | Supported |
timestamp without time zone | 8 | Supported |
date | 4 | Supported |
time without time zone | 8 | Supported |
time with time zone | 12 | Supported |
interval | 16 | Supported |
big object | clob | -1 | Supported |
blob | -1 | Not supported |
other types | ... | ... | Not supported |
openGauss 2025-02-07 22:55:12