CREATE PACKAGE creates a package.
- The package can be used only in centralized databases and cannot be used in distributed databases.
- The functions or stored procedures declared in the package specification must be defined in the package body.
- During instantiation, the stored procedure with commit or rollback cannot be invoked.
- Package functions cannot be invoked in triggers.
- Variables in a package cannot be directly used in external SQL statements.
- Private variables and stored procedures in a package cannot be invoked outside the package.
- Usage that other stored procedures do not support are not supported. For example, if commit or rollback cannot be invoked in a function, commit or rollback cannot be invoked in the function of a package.
- The name of a schema cannot be the same as that of a package.
- Only A-version stored procedures and function definitions are supported.
- Variables with the same name in a package, including parameters with the same name in a package, are not supported.
- The global variables in a package are at the session level. The variables in packages cannot be shared in different sessions.
- When a function of an autonomous transaction is called in a package, the cursor variables in the package and recursive functions that use the cursor variables in the package are not allowed.
- The package does not declare the ref cursor variables.
- The default permission on a package is SECURITY INVOKER. To change the default permission to SECURITY DEFINER, set the GUC parameter behavior_compat_options to 'plsql_security_definer'.
- A user granted with the CREATE ANY PACKAGE permission can create packages in the public and user schemas.
- If the name of a package to be created contains special characters, the special characters cannot contain spaces. You are advised to set the GUC parameter behavior_compat_options to “skip_insert_gs_source”. Otherwise, an error may occur.
CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] PACKAGE [ schema. ] package_name [ invoker_rights_clause ] { IS | AS } item_list_1 END package_name; invoker_rights_clause can be declared as AUTHID DEFINER or AUTHID CURRENT_USER, which indicate the definer permission and invoker permission, respectively. item_list_1 can be a declared variable, stored procedure, or function.
The package specification declares public variables, functions, and exceptions in a package, which can be invoked by external functions or stored procedures. It can only declare stored procedures and functions but cannot define them.
CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] PACKAGE BODY [ schema. ] package_name { IS | AS } declare_section [ initialize_section ] END package_name;
The package body defines private variables and functions in a package. If a variable or function is not declared by the package specification, it is a private variable or function.
The package body also has an initialization part to initialize the package. For details, see the example.
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emp_bonus IS var1 int:=1;-- Public variable var2 int:=2; PROCEDURE testpro1(var3 int);-- Public stored procedure, which can be called by external systems. END emp_bonus; /
drop table if exists test1; create or replace package body emp_bonus is var3 int:=3; var4 int:=4; procedure testpro1(var3 int) is begin create table if not exists test1(col1 int); insert into test1 values(var1); insert into test1 values(var4); end; begin: --The instantiation starts. var4:=9; testpro1(var4); end emp_bonus; /
-- Change the owner of PACKAGE emp_bonus to omm. ALTER PACKAGE emp_bonus OWNER TO omm;
Example of calling a package
call emp_bonus.testpro1(1); -- Use **call** to call the stored procedure of a package. select emp_bonus.testpro1(1); -- Use **select** to call the stored procedure of a package. --Call the stored procedure of a package in an anonymous block. begin emp_bonus.testpro1(1); end; /