Installation on a Single Node
This section describes how to install openGauss using Docker to facilitate installation, configuration, and environment setting for DevOps users.
Supported Architectures and OSs
x86-64 CentOS 7.6
ARM64 openEuler 20.03 LTS
Use the script to build a Docker image. This script is a shell script that is easy to use and provides SHA-256 check.
Creating an openGauss Docker Image
Before the installation, you need to provide the openGauss binary installation package. After decompressing the package, place the package (openGauss-Server-X.X.X-CentOS7-x86_64.tar.bz2) in the dockerfiles/<version> folder. The binary package can be downloaded from Ensure that the correct yum source is available.
If the -i option is not specified when you run the script, the SHA-256 check is performed by default. You need to manually write the check result to the sha256_file_amd64 file.
## Modify the SHA-256 verification file.
cd /soft/openGauss-server/docker/dockerfiles/6.0.0
sha256sum openGauss-Server-X.X.X-CentOS7-x86_64.tar.bz2 > sha256_file_amd64
- Before the installation, obtain the openEuler_aarch64.repo file from Huawei open-source image website and save it to the openGauss-server-master/docker/dockerfiles/6.0.0 folder. Run the following command to obtain the openEuler_aarch64.repo file.
wget -O openEuler_aarch64.repo
Run the script in the dockerfiles folder.
[root@ecs-complie dockerfiles]# ./
Usage: -v [version] [-i] [Docker build option]
Builds a Docker Image for openGauss
-v: version to build
Choose one of: 6.0.0
-i: ignores the SHA-256 checksums
Environment Variables
To flexibly use an openGauss image, you can set additional parameters. In the future, more control parameters will be added. The current version supports the setting of the following variables:
This parameter is mandatory when the openGauss image is used. The value cannot be empty or undefined. This parameter specifies the passwords of superuser omm and test user gaussdb of the openGauss database. During the openGauss installation, the superuser omm is created by default. This username cannot be changed. The test user gaussdb is created in
The local trust mechanism is configured for the openGauss image. Therefore, no password is required for connecting to the database in the container. However, if you want to connect to the database from other hosts or containers, you need to enter the password.
Complexity requirements for openGauss password:
The password must contain at least eight characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters (#?!@$%^&*-). !$& must be escaped using a backslash (\).
Specifies the database node name. The default value is gaussdb.
Specifies the username for connecting to the database. The default value is gaussdb.
Specifies the database port. The default value is 5432.
Starting an Instance
$ docker run --name opengauss --privileged=true -d -e GS_PASSWORD=Enmo@123 opengauss:6.0.0
Connecting to the Database from the OS Layer
$ docker run --name opengauss --privileged=true -d -e GS_PASSWORD=Enmo@123 -p8888:5432 opengauss:6.0.0
$ gsql -d postgres -U gaussdb -W'Enmo@123' -h your-host-ip -p8888
Data Persistence
$ docker run --name opengauss --privileged=true -d -e GS_PASSWORD=Enmo@123 -v /opengauss:/var/lib/opengauss opengauss:6.0.0
For details about how to use a database of another version to build a container image, see the configuration file in
. You only need to change the version number to the corresponding version number.If the
image cannot be downloaded, download the container image packageopenEuler-docker.aarch64.tar.xz
from the OpenEuler official website
and usedocker load -i openEuler-docker.aarch64.tar.xz
to import the package to the local image list.During the build, if the yum source download times out, check the proxy. You can also
--network host
to the end of thedocker build
command in
script to use the network of the host machine.