Creating/Dropping an MOT Table

Creating a Memory Optimized Table (MOT) is very simple. Only the create and drop table statements in MOT differ from the statements for disk-based tables in openGauss. The syntax of all other commands for SELECT, DML and DDL are the same for MOT tables as for openGauss disk-based tables.

  • To create an MOT table –

    create FOREIGN table test(x int) [server mot_server];
  • Always use the FOREIGN keyword to refer to MOT tables.

  • The [server mot_server] part is optional when creating an MOT table because MOT is an integrated engine, not a separate server.

  • The above is an extremely simple example creating a table named test with a single integer column named x. In the next section (Creating an Index) a more realistic example is provided.

  • MOT tables cannot be created if incremental checkpoint is enabled in postgresql.conf. So please set enable_incremental_checkpoint to off before creating the MOT.

  • To drop an MOT table named test –

    drop FOREIGN table test;

    support includes Add column, Drop column and Rename column.

For a description of the limitations of supported features for MOT tables, such as data types, see the MOT SQL Coverage and Limitations section.

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    openGauss 2025-03-11 23:23:35