Comparison – Disk vs. MOT
The following table briefly compares the various features of the openGauss disk-based storage engine and the MOT storage engine.
Table 1 Comparison – Disk-based vs. MOT
Feature | openGauss Disk Store | openGauss MOT Engine |
Intel x86 + Kunpeng ARM | Yes | Yes |
SQL and Feature-set Coverage | 100% | 98% |
Scale-up (Many-cores, NUMA) | Low Efficiency | High Efficiency |
Throughput | High | Extremely High |
Latency | Low | Extremely Low |
Distributed (Cluster Mode) | Yes | Yes |
Isolation Levels | - READ COMMITTED
Concurrency Control | Pessimistic + MVCC | Optimistic + MVCC |
Data Capacity (Data + Index) | Unlimited | Limited to DRAM |
Native Compilation | No | Yes - Query (by PREPARE command)
- Stored Procedures (by PREPARE command)
Replication, Recovery | Yes | Yes |
Replication Options | 2 (sync, async) | 3 (sync, async, group-commit) |
Table 2 Glossary
Acronym | Definition/Description |
2PL | 2-Phase Locking |
ACID | Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability |
AP | Analytical Processing |
ARM | Advanced RISC Machine, a hardware architecture alternative to x86 |
CC | Concurrency Control |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
DB | Database |
DBA | Database Administrator |
DBMS | Database Management System |
DDL | Data Definition Language. Database Schema management language |
DML | Data Modification Language |
ETL | Extract, Transform, Load or Encounter Time Locking |
FDW | Foreign Data Wrapper |
GC | Garbage Collector |
HA | High Availability |
HTAP | Hybrid Transactional-Analytical Processing |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IM | In-Memory |
IMDB | In-Memory Database |
IR | Intermediate Representation of a source code, used in compilation and optimization |
JIT | Just In Time |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
KV | Key Value |
LLVM | Low-Level Virtual Machine, refers to a compilation code or queries to IR |
M2M | Machine-to-Machine |
ML | Machine Learning |
MM | Main Memory |
MO | Memory Optimized |
MOT | Memory Optimized Tables storage engine (SE), pronounced as /em/ /oh/ /tee/ |
MVCC | Multi-Version Concurrency Control |
NUMA | Non-Uniform Memory Access |
OCC | Optimistic Concurrency Control |
OLTP | Online Transaction Processing |
PG | PostgreSQL |
RAW | Reads-After-Writes |
RC | Return Code |
RTO | Recovery Time Objective |
SE | Storage Engine |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
TCO | Total Cost of Ownership |
TP | Transactional Processing |
TPC-C | An On-Line Transaction Processing Benchmark |
Tpm-C | Transactions-per-minute-C. A performance metric for TPC-C benchmark that counts new-order transactions. |
TVM | Tiny Virtual Machine |
TSO | Time Sharing Option |
UDT | User-Defined Type |
WAL | Write Ahead Log |
XLOG | A PostgreSQL implementation of transaction logging (WAL - described above) |
openGauss 2025-02-14 22:54:28