In B-compatible mode, the INSERT statement supports right-value reference. If a referenced column has a NOT NULL constraint and does not have a default value, its base value is used for calculation. If there is no basic value, the NULL value is used for calculation (array type or user-defined type). The basic values of the supported types are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Type basic values
Type | Basic Value | Description |
int | 0 | |
tinyint | 0 | |
smallint | 0 | |
integer | 0 | |
binary_integer | 0 | |
bigint | 0 | |
boolean | f | |
numeric | 0 | |
decimal | 0 | |
dec | 0 | |
double precision | 0 | |
float8 | 0 | |
float | 0 | |
char(n) | "" | Note: When a character string is involved in calculation, the value type is converted based on built-in rules. The length of the value stored by a fixed-length character string is the same as the specified length, and blank characters are filled (which may vary according to the storage mode). |
varchar(n) | "" | |
varchar2(n) | "" | |
nchar(n) | "" | Note: When a character string is involved in calculation, the value type is converted based on built-in rules. The length of the value stored by a fixed-length character string is the same as the specified length, and blank characters are filled (which may vary according to the storage mode). |
nvarchar2(n) | "" | |
nvarchar(n) | "" | |
date | 01-01-1970 | |
time | 00:00:00 | |
timestamp | Current timestamp | |
smalldatetime | Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 | |
interval year | @ 0 | |
interval month | @ 0 | |
interval day | @ 0 | |
interval hour | @ 0 | |
interval minute | @ 0 | |
interval second | @ 0 | |
interval day to second | @ 0 | |
interval day to hour | @ 0 | |
interval day to minute | @ 0 | |
interval hour to minute | @ 0 | |
interval hour to second | @ 0 | |
interval minute to second | @ 0 | |
reltime | @ 0 | |
abstime | Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969 PST | |
money | $0.00 | |
int4range | empty | |
blob | Object without data content | |
raw | Object without data content | |
bytea | \x | |
point | (0,0) | |
lseg | [(0,0),(0,0)] | |
box | (0,0),(0,0) | |
path | ((0,0)) | |
polygon | ((0,0)) | |
circle | <(0,0),0> | |
cidr | | |
inet | | |
macaddr | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | |
BIT | Object without data content | |
BIT VARYING | Object without data content | |
UUID | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | |
json | null | The data content is null. |
jsonb | null | The data content is null. |
int8range | empty | |
numrange | empty | |
tsrange | empty | |
tstzrange | empty | |
daterange | empty | |
hll | \x | |
SET | "" | |
tsvector | Object without data content | |
tsquery | Object without data content | |
HASH16 | 0000000000000000 | |
HASH32 | 00000000000000000000000000000000 | |
enum | The first item |