CREATE EVENT TRIGGER creates an event trigger to execute a specified event trigger function when a specified event occurs.
- Only the super user or system administrator has the permission to create event triggers.
- If multiple event triggers of the same kind are defined for the same event, they will be fired in alphabetical order by name.
- Event triggers may affect the performance of DDL operations, depending on the number of event triggers and the complexity of executing the function.
ON event
[ WHEN filter_variable IN (filter_value [, ... ]) [ AND ... ] ]
EXECUTE PROCEDURE function_name()
Parameter Description
Specifies the event trigger name.
Specifies the variable used by the event trigger for filtering. Currently, only TAG is supported.
Specifies the events supported by the event trigger. Currently, ddl_command_start, ddl_command_end, sql_drop and table_rewrite are supported.
Specifies a user-defined function, which must be declared as taking no parameters and returning data of event_trigger type. This function is executed when an event trigger fires.
--Create database for testing
openGauss=# create database test_event_trigger dbcompatibility='PG';
openGauss=# \c test_event_trigger
--Create an event trigger function (for ddl_command_start and ddl_command_end events).
test_event_trigger=# create function test_event_trigger() returns event_trigger as $$
RAISE NOTICE 'test_event_trigger: % %', tg_event, tg_tag;
$$ language plpgsql;
--Create an event trigger function (for the sql_drop event).
test_event_trigger=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION drop_sql_command()
RETURNS event_trigger AS $$
RAISE NOTICE '% - sql_drop', tg_tag;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
--Create an event trigger function (for the table_rewrite event).
test_event_trigger=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_evtrig_no_rewrite() RETURNS event_trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
RAISE EXCEPTION 'rewrites not allowed';
--Create an event trigger whose event type is ddl_command_start.
test_event_trigger=# create event trigger regress_event_trigger on ddl_command_start
execute procedure test_event_trigger();
--Create an event trigger whose event type is ddl_command_end.
test_event_trigger=# create event trigger regress_event_trigger_end on ddl_command_end
execute procedure test_event_trigger();
--Create an event trigger whose event type is sql_drop.
test_event_trigger=# CREATE EVENT TRIGGER sql_drop_command ON sql_drop
EXECUTE PROCEDURE drop_sql_command();
--Create an event trigger whose event type is table_rewrite.
test_event_trigger=# create event trigger no_rewrite_allowed on table_rewrite
when tag in ('alter table') execute procedure test_evtrig_no_rewrite();
--Run the DDL statement to check the event trigger effect (ddl_command_start and ddl_command_end are triggered).
test_event_trigger=# create table event_trigger_table (a int);
--Run the alter table statement to check the event trigger effect. ddl_command_start and table_rewrite,ddl_command_end are not triggered because rewrite is disabled.
test_event_trigger=# alter table event_trigger_table alter column a type numeric;
--Run the drop statement to check the event trigger effect (ddl_command_start, sql_drop, and ddl_command_end are triggered).
test_event_trigger=# drop table event_trigger_table;
--Modify an event trigger.
test_event_trigger=# create role regress_evt_user WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'EvtUser123';
test_event_trigger=# ALTER EVENT TRIGGER regress_event_trigger RENAME TO regress_event_trigger_start;
--This operation should fail. The owner of the event trigger can only be the super user.
test_event_trigger=# ALTER EVENT TRIGGER regress_event_trigger_start owner to regress_evt_user;
test_event_trigger=# ALTER EVENT TRIGGER regress_event_trigger_start disable;
test_event_trigger=# ALTER EVENT TRIGGER regress_event_trigger_start enable always;
--Delete an event trigger.
test_event_trigger=# DROP EVENT TRIGGER regress_event_trigger_start;
test_event_trigger=# DROP EVENT TRIGGER regress_event_trigger_end;
test_event_trigger=# DROP EVENT TRIGGER sql_drop_command;
test_event_trigger=# DROP EVENT TRIGGER no_rewrite_allowed;
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