
record Variables

Perform the following operations to create a record variable:

Define a record type and use this type to declare a variable.


For the syntax of the record type, see Figure 1.

Figure 1 Syntax of the record type

The above syntax diagram is explained as follows:

  • record_type: record name
  • field: record columns
  • datatype: record data type
  • expression: expression for setting a default value

NOTE: In openGauss:

  • When assigning values to record variables, you can:
  • Declare a record type and define member variables of this type when you declare a function or stored procedure.
  • Assign the value of a record variable to another record variable.
  • Use SELECT INTO or FETCH to assign values to a record type.
  • Assign the NULL value to a record variable.
  • The INSERT and UPDATE statements cannot use a record variable to insert or update data.
  • Just like a variable, a record column of the compound type does not have a default value in the declaration.
  • The data type can be the record type, array type, or set type defined in a stored procedure (anonymous blocks are not supported).


The table definition used in the following is defined as follows:
openGauss=# \d emp_rec
                Table "public.emp_rec"
  Column  |              Type              | Modifiers 
 empno    | numeric(4,0)                   | not null
 ename    | character varying(10)          | 
 job      | character varying(9)           | 
 mgr      | numeric(4,0)                   | 
 hiredate | timestamp(0) without time zone | 
 sal      | numeric(7,2)                   | 
 comm     | numeric(7,2)                   | 
 deptno   | numeric(2,0)                   | 

-- Perform array operations in the function.
openGauss=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION regress_record(p_w VARCHAR2)

   -- Declare a record type.
   type rec_type is record (name  varchar2(100), epno int);
   employer rec_type;

   -- Use %type to declare the record type.
   type rec_type1 is record (name  emp_rec.ename%type, epno int not null :=10);
   employer1 rec_type1;

   -- Declare a record type with a default value.
   type rec_type2 is record (
         name varchar2 not null := 'SCOTT', 
         epno int not null :=10);
    employer2 rec_type2;
    CURSOR C1 IS  select ename,empno from emp_rec order by 1 limit 1;
      -- Assign a value to a member record variable. := 'WARD';
     employer.epno = 18;
     raise info 'employer name: % , epno:%',, employer.epno;

      -- Assign the value of a record variable to another variable.
     employer1 := employer;
     raise info 'employer1 name: % , epno: %',, employer1.epno;
      -- Assign the NULL value to a record variable.
     employer1 := NULL;
     raise info 'employer1 name: % , epno: %',, employer1.epno;

      -- Obtain the default value of a record variable.
     raise info 'employer2 name: % ,epno: %',, employer2.epno;
      -- Use a record variable in the FOR loop.
      for employer in select ename,empno from emp_rec order by 1  limit 1 
               raise info 'employer name: % , epno: %',, employer.epno;
          end loop;
      -- Use a record variable in the SELECT INTO statement.
      select ename,empno  into employer2 from emp_rec order by 1 limit 1;
      raise info 'employer name: % , epno: %',, employer2.epno;
      -- Use a record variable in a cursor.
      OPEN C1;
      FETCH C1 INTO employer2;
      raise info 'employer name: % , epno: %',, employer2.epno;
      CLOSE C1;        
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-- Call this function.
openGauss=# CALL regress_record('abc');

-- Delete the function.
openGauss=# DROP FUNCTION regress_record;
编组 3备份
    openGauss 2025-03-08 22:54:35