Manipulating Queries

openGauss provides functions and operators that can be used to manipulate queries that are already in tsquery type.

  • tsquery && tsquery

    Returns the AND-combination of the two given queries.

  • tsquery || tsquery

    Returns the OR-combination of the two given queries.

  • !! tsquery

    Returns the negation (NOT) of the given query.

  • numnode(query tsquery) returns integer

    Returns the number of nodes (lexemes plus operators) in a tsquery. This function is useful to determine if the query is meaningful (returns > 0), or contains only stop words (returns 0). Example:

    openGauss=# SELECT numnode(plainto_tsquery('the any'));
    NOTICE:  text-search query contains only stop words or doesn't contain lexemes, ignored
    CONTEXT:  referenced column: numnode
    openGauss=# SELECT numnode('foo & bar'::tsquery);
  • querytree(query tsquery) returns text

    Returns the portion of a tsquery that can be used for searching an index. This function is useful for detecting non-index queries, for example those containing only stop words or only negated terms. Example:

    openGauss=# SELECT querytree(to_tsquery('!defined'));
    (1 row)
编组 3备份
    openGauss 2025-03-08 22:54:35