User Notice

openGauss is an open-source, secure, and reliable relational OLTP database with ultimate performance. It is released with the Mulan PSL v2 protocol, allowing users to copy, use, modify, and distribute the source code.

The version number of openGauss is named in X.Y.Z format. X_ indicates the version for architecture changes, _Y indicates the version released every year, and Z_ indicates the patch version. Generally, a _Y version is released every year. A new X version is released for major architecture or feature changes.

The preliminary openGauss lifecycle plans are as follows:

  • The release version is released every one year, and the community provides three-year maintenance support.
  • The preview version is released every one year, and the community provides 0.5-year maintenance support.
编组 3备份
    openGauss 2024-05-07 00:46:52