gs_recyclebin describes details about objects in the recycle bin.
Table 1 gs_recyclebin columns
Name | Type | Description |
oid | oid | System column |
rcybaseid | oid | Base table object ID, which references gs_recyclebin.oid |
rcydbid | oid | OID of the database to which the current object belongs |
rcyrelid | oid | OID of the current object |
rcyname | name | Name of the object in the recycle bin. The format is BIN$unique_id$oid$0. unique_id indicates the unique identifier with a maximum of 16 characters, and oid indicates the OID. |
rcyoriginname | name | Original object name |
rcyoperation | "char" | Operation type |
rcytype | int | Object type - 0: table
- 1: index
- 2: TOAST table
- 3: TOAST index
- 4: sequence, indicating the sequence object that is automatically associated with the serial, bigserial, smallserial, and largeserial types.
- 5: partition.
- 6: global index.
rcyrecyclecsn | bigint | CSN when an object is dropped or truncated |
rcyrecycletime | timestamptz | Time when an object is dropped or truncated |
rcycreatecsn | bigint | CSN when an object is created |
rcychangecsn | bigint | SCN when an object definition is modified |
rcynamespace | oid | OID of the namespace that contains this relationship |
rcyowner | oid | Relationship owner |
rcytablespace | oid | Tablespace where the relationship is stored. If the value is 0, the default tablespace of the database is used. This column is meaningless if the relationship has no on-disk file. |
rcyrelfilenode | oid | File name of the recycle bin object on a disk, or 0 if none, used to restore the texture file when the TRUNCATE object is restored. |
rcycanrestore | bool | Whether flashback can be performed separately |
rcycanpurge | bool | Whether the purge operation can be performed independently |
rcyfrozenxid | xid32 | All transaction IDs before this one have been replaced with a permanent (frozen) transaction ID in the table. |
rcyfrozenxid64 | xid | All transaction IDs before this one have been replaced with a permanent (frozen) transaction ID in the table. |
openGauss 2025-03-11 23:22:02