Configuration Settings Functions

Configuration setting functions are used for querying and modifying configuration parameters during running.

  • current_setting(setting_name)

    Description: Specifies the current setting.

    Return type: text

    Note: current_setting obtains the current setting of setting_name by query. It is equivalent to the SHOW statement.


    openGauss=# SELECT current_setting('datestyle');
     ISO, MDY
    (1 row)
  • set_working_grand_version_num_manually(tmp_version)

    Description: Upgrades new features of the database by switching the authorization version.

    Return type: void

  • shell_in(type)

    Description: Inputs a route for the shell type that has not yet been filled.

    Return type: void

  • shell_out(type)

    Description: Outputs a route for the shell type that has not yet been filled.

    Return type: void

  • set_config(setting_name, new_value, is_local)

    Description: Sets the parameter and returns a new value.

    Return type: text

    Note: set_config sets setting_name to new_value. If is_local is set to true, new_value applies only to the current transaction. If you want new_value to apply for the current session, set the value to false instead. The function corresponds to the SET statement.


    openGauss=# SELECT set_config('log_statement_stats', 'off', false);
    (1 row)
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    openGauss 2025-03-11 23:22:02