Routinely Maintaining Tables
To ensure proper database running, after insert and delete operations, you need to routinely run VACUUM FULL and ANALYZE as appropriate for customer scenarios and update statistics to obtain better performance.
Related Concepts
You need to routinely run VACUUM, VACUUM FULL, and ANALYZE to maintain tables, because:
- VACUUM FULL can be used to reclaim disk space occupied by updated or deleted data and combine small-size data files.
- VACUUM can be used to maintain a visualized mapping for each table to track pages that contain arrays visible to other active transactions. A common index scan uses the mapping to obtain the corresponding arrays and check whether the arrays are visible to the current transaction. If the arrays cannot be obtained, capture a batch of arrays to check the visibility. Therefore, updating the visualized mapping of a table can accelerate unique index scans.
- Running VACUUM can avoid original data loss caused by duplicate transaction IDs when the number of executed transactions exceeds the database threshold.
- ANALYZE can be used to collect statistics on tables in databases. The statistics are stored in the system catalog PG_STATISTIC. Then the query optimizer uses the statistics to work out the most efficient execution plan.
Run the VACUUM or VACUUM FULL command to reclaim disk space.
Run VACUUM for a table.
openGauss=# VACUUM customer;
This statement can be concurrently executed with database operation commands, including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE; excluding ALTER TABLE.
Run VACUUM for the table partition.
openGauss=# VACUUM customer_par PARTITION ( P1 );
openGauss=# VACUUM FULL customer;
During the command running, exclusive locks need to be added to the table and all other database operations need to be suspended.
Run ANALYZE to update statistics.
openGauss=# ANALYZE customer;
Run ANALYZE VERBOSE to update statistics and display table information.
openGauss=# ANALYZE VERBOSE customer;
You can run VACUUM ANALYZE at the same time to optimize the query.
openGauss=# VACUUM ANALYZE customer;
NOTE: VACUUM and ANALYZE cause a substantial increase in I/O traffic, which may affect other active sessions. Therefore, you are advised to set the cost-based vacuum delay feature by specifying the vacuum_cost_delay parameter. For details, see “GUC Parameters > Resource Consumption > Cost-based Vacuum Delay” in the Developer Guide.
Delete a table.
openGauss=# DROP TABLE customer; openGauss=# DROP TABLE customer_par; openGauss=# DROP TABLE part;
If the following information is displayed, the tables have been deleted:
Maintenance Suggestions
- Routinely run VACUUM FULL for large tables. If the database performance deteriorates, run VACUUM FULL for the entire database. If the database performance is stable, you are advised to run VACUUM FULL monthly.
- Routinely run VACUUM FULL on system catalogs, especially PG_ATTRIBUTE.
- Enable automatic vacuum threads (AUTOVACUUM) in the system. The processes automatically run the VACUUM and ANALYZE statements to reclaim the record space marked as the deleted state and update statistics in the table.