dbname | name | Database name. |
schemaname | name | Schema name. |
origin_node | integer | Node name. |
user_name | name | Username. |
application_name | text | Name of the application that sends a request. |
client_addr | text | IP address of the client that sends a request. |
client_port | integer | Port number of the client that sends a request. |
unique_query_id | bigint | ID of the normalized SQL statement. |
debug_query_id | bigint | ID of the unique SQL statement. |
query | text | Normalized SQL statement. |
start_time | timestamp with time zone | Time when a statement is started. |
finish_time | timestamp with time zone | Time when a statement ends. |
slow_sql_threshold | bigint | Standard for slow SQL statement execution. |
transaction_id | bigint | Transaction ID. |
thread_id | bigint | ID of an execution thread. |
session_id | bigint | Session ID of a user. |
n_soft_parse | bigint | Number of soft parsing times. The value of n_soft_parse plus the value of n_hard_parse may be greater than the value of n_calls because the number of subqueries is not counted in the value of n_calls. |
n_hard_parse | bigint | Number of hard parsing times. The value of n_soft_parse plus the value of n_hard_parse may be greater than the value of n_calls because the number of subqueries is not counted in the value of n_calls. |
query_plan | text | Statement execution plan. |
n_returned_rows | bigint | Number of rows in the result set returned by the SELECT statement. |
n_tuples_fetched | bigint | Number of rows randomly scanned. |
n_tuples_returned | bigint | Number of rows sequentially scanned. |
n_tuples_inserted | bigint | Number of rows inserted. |
n_tuples_updated | bigint | Number of rows updated. |
n_tuples_deleted | bigint | Number of rows deleted. |
n_blocks_fetched | bigint | Number of buffer block access times. |
n_blocks_hit | bigint | Number of buffer block hits. |
db_time | bigint | Valid DB time, which is accumulated if multiple threads are involved (unit: μs). |
cpu_time | bigint | CPU time (unit: μs). |
execution_time | bigint | Execution time in the executor (unit: μs). |
parse_time | bigint | SQL parsing time (unit: μs). |
plan_time | bigint | SQL plan generation time (unit: μs). |
rewrite_time | bigint | SQL rewriting time (unit: μs). |
pl_execution_time | bigint | Execution time of PL/pgSQL (unit: μs). |
pl_compilation_time | bigint | Compilation time of PL/pgSQL (unit: μs). |
data_io_time | bigint | I/O time (unit: μs). |
net_send_info | text | Network status of messages sent through a physical connection, including the time (unit: μs), number of calls, and throughput (unit: byte). This can be used to analyze the network overhead of SQL statements in a distributed system and is not supported in standalone system. Example: {"time":xxx, "n_calls":xxx, "size":xxx}. |
net_recv_info | text | Network status of messages received through a physical connection, including the time (unit: μs), number of calls, and throughput (unit: byte). This field can be used to analyze the network overhead of SQL in a distributed system. This field is not supported in a standalone mode. Example: {"time":xxx, "n_calls":xxx, "size":xxx}. |
net_stream_send_info | text | Network status of messages sent through a logical connection, including the time (unit: μs), number of calls, and throughput (unit: byte). This field can be used to analyze the network overhead of SQL in a distributed system. This field is not supported in a standalone mode. Example: {"time":xxx, "n_calls":xxx, "size":xxx}. |
net_stream_recv_info | text | Network status of messages received through a logical connection, including the time (unit: μs), number of calls, and throughput (unit: byte). This field can be used to analyze the network overhead of SQL in a distributed system. This field is not supported in a standalone mode. Example: {"time":xxx, "n_calls":xxx, "size":xxx}. |
lock_count | bigint | Number of locks. |
lock_time | bigint | Time required for locking. |
lock_wait_count | bigint | Number of lock waits. |
lock_wait_time | bigint | Time required for lock waiting. |
lock_max_count | bigint | Maximum number of locks. |
lwlock_count | bigint | Number of lightweight locks (reserved). |
lwlock_wait_count | bigint | Number of lightweight lock waits. |
lwlock_time | bigint | Time required for lightweight locking (reserved). |
lwlock_wait_time | bigint | Time required for lightweight lock waiting. |
details | bytea | List of statement lock events, which are recorded in time sequence. The number of records is affected by the track_stmt_details_size parameter. Events include: - Start locking.
- Complete locking.
- Start lock waiting.
- Complete lock waiting.
- Start unlocking.
- Complete unlocking.
- Start lightweight lock waiting.
- Complete lightweight lock waiting.
is_slow_sql | boolean | Whether the SQL statement is a slow SQL statement. |