GAUSS-04731 -- GAUSS-04740
GAUSS-04731: “Data type %u has not been supported for predicate push down.”
Description: Internal system error. The error data type does not support dynamic predicate pushdown.
Solution:Contact technical support.
GAUSS-04732: “The maximum accuracy of decimal/numeric data type supported is %d bits.”
Description: The maximum precision supported by the decimal or numeric type exceeds 38 digits.
Solution: Define the precision of the decimal or numeric type to be less than or equal to 38 digits when creating a table.
GAUSS-04737: “There is an illegal character \'%c\' in the option %s.”
Description: Invalid characters exist in the option of folder name or file name.
Solution: Check the path specification of the folder name or file name and rebuild the HDFS foreign table.
GAUSS-04738: “The option %s should not be end with \'%c\'.”
Description: An error is reported when the option of the file name ends up with a slash (/).
Solution: Do not end up the option of the file name with a slash (/).