Exporting Global Objects

You can use gs_dumpall to export global objects, including database users, user groups, tablespaces, and attributes (for example, global access permissions), from openGauss.


  1. Log in as the OS user omm to the primary node of the database.

  2. Run gs_dumpall to export global tablespaces.

    gs_dumpall -U omm -f /home/omm/backup/MPPDB_tablespace.sql -p 8000 -t

    Table 1 Common parameters


    Parameter Description

    Example Value


    Username for database connection. The user must be the openGauss administrator.

    -U omm


    User password for database connection.

    • This parameter is not required for database administrators if the trust policy is used for authentication.
    • If you connect to the database without specifying this parameter and you are not a database administrator, you will be prompted to enter the password.

    -W abcd@123


    Folder to store exported files. If this parameter is not specified, the exported files are stored in the standard output.

    -f /home/omm/backup/MPPDB_tablespace.sql


    TCP port or the local Unix-domain socket file name extension on which the server is listening for connections.

    -p 8000


    Dumps only tablespaces. You can also use --tablespaces-only alternatively.


    For details about other parameters, see “Server Tools > gs_dumpall” in the Tool Reference.


Example 1: Run gs_dumpall as the administrator omm to export global tablespaces and users of all databases. The exported files are in text format.

gs_dumpall -U omm -f /home/omm/backup/MPPDB_globals.sql -p 8000 -g
gs_dumpall[port='8000'][2018-11-14 19:06:24]: dumpall operation successful
gs_dumpall[port='8000'][2018-11-14 19:06:24]: total time: 1150  ms

Example 2: Run gs_dumpall as the administrator omm to export global tablespaces of all databases, encrypt the exported files, and store them in text format.

gs_dumpall -U omm -f /home/omm/backup/MPPDB_tablespace.sql -p 8000 -t --with-encryption AES128 --with-key 1212121212121212
gs_dumpall[port='8000'][2018-11-14 19:00:58]: dumpall operation successful
gs_dumpall[port='8000'][2018-11-14 19:00:58]: total time: 186  ms

Example 3: Run gs_dumpall as the administrator omm to export global users of all databases. The exported files are in text format.

gs_dumpall -U omm -f /home/omm/backup/MPPDB_user.sql -p 8000 -r
gs_dumpall[port='8000'][2018-11-14 19:03:18]: dumpall operation successful
gs_dumpall[port='8000'][2018-11-14 19:03:18]: total time: 162  ms
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    openGauss 2024-05-06 00:44:54