PG_AUTHID records information about database authentication identifiers (roles). The concept of users is contained in that of roles. A user is actually a role whose rolcanlogin has been set. Any role, whether its rolcanlogin is set or not, can use other roles as members.
For openGauss, only one PG_AUTHID exists, which is not available for every database. This system catalog is accessible only to system administrators.
Table 1 PG_AUTHID columns
Name | Type | Description |
oid | oid | Row identifier (hidden attribute, which must be specified) |
rolname | name | Specifies the name of a role. |
rolsuper | Boolean | Whether the role is the initial system administrator with the highest permission |
rolinherit | Boolean | Whether the role automatically inherits permissions of roles of which it is a member |
rolcreaterole | Boolean | Whether the role can create more roles |
rolcreatedb | Boolean | Whether the role can create databases |
rolcatupdate | Boolean | Whether the role can directly update system catalogs. Only the initial system administrator whose usesysid is 10 has this permission. It is unavailable for other users. |
rolcanlogin | Boolean | Whether the role can log in (whether this role can be given as the initial session authorization identifier) |
rolreplication | Boolean | Indicates that the role is a replicated one (an adaptation syntax and no actual meaning). |
rolauditadmin | Boolean | Indicates that the role is an audit user. |
rolsystemadmin | Boolean | Username of the administrator |
rolconnlimit | integer | Maximum number of concurrent connections that this role can make (valid for roles that can log in) The value -1 means no limit. |
rolpassword | text | Password (possibly encrypted) (null if no password) |
rolvalidbegin | timestamp with time zone | Account validity start time (null if no start time) |
rolvaliduntil | timestamp with time zone | Password expiry time (null if no expiration) |
rolrespool | name | Resource pool that a user can use |
roluseft | Boolean | Whether the role can perform operations on foreign tables |
rolparentid | oid | OID of a group user to which the user belongs |
roltabspace | text | Maximum size of a user data table |
rolkind | char | Special user types, including private users and common users |
rolnodegroup | oid | Unsupported currently |
roltempspace | text | Storage space of the user temporary table |
rolspillspace | text | Maximum size of data that can be written to disks when a user executes a job |
rolexcpdata | text | Query rules that can be set by users (reserved) |
openGauss 2025-02-08 23:15:33