Object Identifier Types
Object identifiers (OIDs) are used internally by openGauss as primary keys for various system catalogs. OIDs are not added to user-created tables by the system. The OID type represents an object identifier.
The OID type is currently implemented as an unsigned four-byte integer. So, using a user-created table's OID column as a primary key is discouraged.
Table 1 Object identifier types
The OID type is used for a column in the database system catalog.
postgres=# SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'pg_type';
(1 row)
The alias type for OID is REGCLASS which allows simplified search for OID values.
postgres=# SELECT attrelid,attname,atttypid,attstattarget FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'pg_type'::REGCLASS;
attrelid | attname | atttypid | attstattarget
1247 | xc_node_id | 23 | 0
1247 | tableoid | 26 | 0
1247 | cmax | 29 | 0
1247 | xmax | 28 | 0
1247 | cmin | 29 | 0
1247 | xmin | 28 | 0
1247 | oid | 26 | 0
1247 | ctid | 27 | 0
1247 | typname | 19 | -1
1247 | typnamespace | 26 | -1
1247 | typowner | 26 | -1
1247 | typlen | 21 | -1
1247 | typbyval | 16 | -1
1247 | typtype | 18 | -1
1247 | typcategory | 18 | -1
1247 | typispreferred | 16 | -1
1247 | typisdefined | 16 | -1
1247 | typdelim | 18 | -1
1247 | typrelid | 26 | -1
1247 | typelem | 26 | -1
1247 | typarray | 26 | -1
1247 | typinput | 24 | -1
1247 | typoutput | 24 | -1
1247 | typreceive | 24 | -1
1247 | typsend | 24 | -1
1247 | typmodin | 24 | -1
1247 | typmodout | 24 | -1
1247 | typanalyze | 24 | -1
1247 | typalign | 18 | -1
1247 | typstorage | 18 | -1
1247 | typnotnull | 16 | -1
1247 | typbasetype | 26 | -1
1247 | typtypmod | 23 | -1
1247 | typndims | 23 | -1
1247 | typcollation | 26 | -1
1247 | typdefaultbin | 194 | -1
1247 | typdefault | 25 | -1
1247 | typacl | 1034 | -1
(38 rows)